One App, Many Uses
Tap the link below to download our free Fresh App to earn rewards, join our memberships, save on services, and become a VIP member to stay in the loop on all things happening at Fresh.

Earn $50 off a Diamond Glow Facial or
any Laser Hair Removal Packages!
Earn Rewards
Each time you visit us here at Fresh, scan our Fresh App QR Code located at the front desk. Each time you scan, you “check-in” with us to earn different product and/or service rewards.

Visit our Marketplace
The Marketplace tab on our app features all of our Fresh Memberships and purchasable service packages. You have the freedom to browse, purchase in full, or purchase with a seamless and easy payment plan process through Affirm.
VIP Member
Just by joining and visiting us here at Fresh Aesthetics, you become an exclusive VIP Member. You will never miss out on another special promotion or event!